Comp Exam

Welcome to the culmination of my journey at USC — the much-anticipated (and somewhat daunting) Comprehensive Examination for my master’s degree. This assignment tasked me with concentrating on Electronic Arts (EA) PC games and developing materials for the hypothetical launch of a new VR headset designed for use with these games.

I dedicated a significant amount of effort to this project, so I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Looking forward to your thoughts, comments, and feedback!

P.S. I recommend reviewing in the indicated order below (from left to right, then down the second row) to ensure you understand all of the facts before diving into the creative stuff.

News Release

Discover how EA will transform the PC Gaming experience.


Learn more about EA in this beginner’s guide for the brand.


Find out EA’s position in today’s market through this analysis.

Creative Brief

Explore the concept and tagline of EA’s VR campaign.

Brand Storytelling

See the campaign come to live with multimedia elements.


Except for the hypothetical VR headset, the rest is true!

Note: This is a student assignment. The content on this website is not affiliated with the brand. 

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